Monday, February 27, 2012

Waveguide and Coaxial Microwave Components in Stock

Oxygen Electronics has limited quantities of several MDL (Microwave Development Laboratories) and Omega Laboratories Waveguide and Coaxial Microwave Components available from stock.

This recent inventory includes both Standard and Solderable Pressure Windows, Waveguide Bends, and a number of different WR-112 and WR-187 Flanges.

Full details about these products including datasheets can be found at:

MDL - 112WD26
MDL - 90WT16
MDL - 42BH11A
MDL - 75BE111A
MDL - 112BE11B
MDL - 112BH11B
MDL - 137BH111A
Omega - UG-1352/U
Omega - UG-1735/U
Omega - UG-1359/U
Omega - UG-1734/U
Omega - UG-1358/U
Omega - UG-138/U Butt

Friday, February 17, 2012

2012 US National Defense Authorization Act: Not to Succeed?

According to, the 2012 US National Defense Authorization Act may not succeed.

The Act states that "contractors" are responsible for avoiding and detecting counterfeit parts, not component manufacturers or distributors. These responsibilities include: avoiding the use of counterfeit parts, the rework or corrective action of counterfeit parts, and many more.

As said by Barbara Jorgensen, EBN Community Editor, component manufacturers should also be responsible for the prevention of distribution of counterfeit or suspect counterfeit parts. Because of waste and recycling regulations, manufacturers must go to an outside source to be destroyed. On the way, parts get diverted and enter the supply chain.

For complete article, click here.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

California Business Owner Sentenced for Conspriring to Sell Counterfeit Microelectronics

Mustafa Abdul Aljaff, a business owner from Newport, California has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for conspiring to sell counterfeit products to the United States military, and others between September 2007 to August 2009.

In January 2010, Aljaff plead guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit goods to defraud the United States, and trafficking in counterfeit goods. As part of his plea agreement, Aljaff must pay restitution to the semiconductor companies whose trademarks were infringed. Also, Aljaff had to forfeit all machinery from his business location.

According to U.S. Attorney Machen, “Today’s prison sentence sends a message to the unscrupulous counterfeiters who put us all at risk by selling phony integrated circuits that end up in our military systems, medical devices, and consumer products.”

For the completed article, please click here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

On December 30, 2011, President Obama signed H.R.1540 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 into Law.  Included in this Act are several pages of very specific and very strong language dealing with the traffic and trade of counterfeit  electronic parts.

Page 196, Section 818 titled "Detection and Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts. 

This law requires that within 180 days of enactment, the Department of Defense shall establish policies and procedures by which the DoD can effectively manage the risks associated with counterfeit goods.  Within 270 days of enactment, these requirements must be flowed down to suppliers to address the detection and avoidance of counterfeit electronic parts.  Additionally this Law will result in requirements for reporting instances of counterfeit goods as well as the imposition of increased fines, penalties, and imprisonment for those who sell counterfeit goods.

To read the full Document, click here.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Counterfeit Chips: Possible Reason of Failed Mission

According to, Russia's Federal Space Agency states the spacecraft's system "rebooted" may have been caused by the use of "counterfeit" parts in the crafts computer.

For completed article, please click here.

Fore more information and questions about Suspect Counterfeit parts, please visit our homepage.