Mustafa Abdul Aljaff, a business owner from Newport, California has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for conspiring to sell counterfeit products to the United States military, and others between September 2007 to August 2009.
In January 2010, Aljaff plead guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit goods to defraud the United States, and trafficking in counterfeit goods. As part of his plea agreement, Aljaff must pay restitution to the semiconductor companies whose trademarks were infringed. Also, Aljaff had to forfeit all machinery from his business location.
According to U.S. Attorney Machen, “Today’s prison sentence sends a message to the unscrupulous counterfeiters who put us all at risk by selling phony integrated circuits that end up in our military systems, medical devices, and consumer products.”
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