Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another Suspect Counterfeit Part Identified: AT29C040A90PI

Today, Oxygen Electronics received a rather large order of Suspect Counterfeit AT29C040A90PI in our White Plains Office. The suspect counterfeit parts were discovered during Visual Inspection as the part markings were not consistent with Atmel PCN SC024001.
The product that was received had identical part markings and date codes, but the parts failed the X-ray Inspection with different die sizes, different die frame sizes, and also different wire bonding.
Please note the following X-Ray results from our inspection.

For more information about this product; please visit http://www.o2xygen.com/parts/AT29C040A90PI.htm

If you have any questions or comments, please contact sales@o2xygen.com.

Monday, November 22, 2010

DMC40457NY-LY-B by Optrex Available for Sale

Oxygen Electronics has a limited quantity of a very rare LCD Module available for sales.  For more information, including a datasheet please visit: http://www.o2xygen.com/parts/DMC40457NYLYB.htm

For similar product please visit the following link:  http://www.o2xygen.com/parts/D/54.htm.

Warning: Suspect Counterfeit Parts Identified: IDT72103L50J

Oxygen Electronics recieved a small quantity of Suspect Counterfeit IDT72103L50J in our White Plains facility.  This counterfeit product was discovered as there was evidence of Blacktopping and this part failed our X-Ray inspection.

The product that was recieved had identical part markings and date codes, while the internal construction was very different.  Please note the following X-Ray results from our inspection.

For more information about this part, please visit: http://www.o2xygen.com/parts/IDT72103L50J.htm

If you have questions or comments - please contact sales@o2xygen.com